What Do you like the most

Baboo Ram Bakshi
2 min readJan 7, 2024

“Love is the essential and existential fact.It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on the earth.” — — — — — — — Marianne Milliamson

We all want to be loved and also want to love some one. It is our basic nature. To develop the virtue of love within us, we must practice of loving our self first in whatever mental or physical condition we may have. We must remember, that as individual the creation has made us unique. there is no duplicate copy in this entire universe. Imagine the design of your first cell which was created by the fusion of your father’s sperm with your mother’s ova It contained the hereditary characteristics of millions of generation of both parents. During your evolution from the original cell by its multiplication into the body , mind and soul to day ,you have consumed the natural resources to sustain ,survive and intelligence and wisdom of your cell to evolve as a unique human being.This is enough ground to love your unique formation ,your unique qualities and all your unique hereditary characteristics.

Since you are unique and the best creation ,you deserve to have the best. You have all qualities to get the best from the creation, You look within to find your path and the energy . One of the built-in characteristic in you is that you have a freedom to make your choice and that choice drives you on your chosen path. Use your internal guiding mechanism , your compass to find the correct direction. If you love your self , love your built-in mechanism ,love your choice , you will create an atmosphere of love around you. You will find that there is love every where in the nature. Nature loves you selflessly and provide every thing you need . All creatures around you love you



Baboo Ram Bakshi

Engineer by profession, retired ,regularly practice mindful meditation. interested in Neuro science, and Consciousness, love to read scientific discoveries.